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if u see this space it means it needs filling.help us plz.send in anything.it will go on i promice

whos ya fave band or ppop group.we wanna hear whos hot and whos not
personnaly i think linkin park rule but u might like others.send an e mail wiv ya fave ones on it and we will put em up ere
  blonde jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 ways to tell if a blonde has been on ya p.c.

1)theres tipex on the screen

2)the joysticks been slobbered on.

wats the difference between a blonde and a mosquito?..........once u slap a mozzy it stops sucking.

Blonde and the horse

There is this dumb blonde who likes animals and is kind of afraid of
horses. She still likes horses so she decides to overcome her fear. So one
day she hops on a horse and the horse starts gallopping amd won't stop.
She starts to get a little afraid and the horse won't stop. So everybody
is watching and doesn't know what to do. So she grabs its leg and the
horse still won't stop. Then she decides to jump but her foot gets stuck
in the stirrup. So she is bouncing on the ground and doesn't know what to
do. Then the Wal-Mart manager comes running out and pulls the plug out of
the socket and saves her.
Open Wide

A blonde is suffering from a sore throat so she goes to see the doctor.
She explains the problem to the doctor who asks her to sit down. He gets
out his light and says, "Open wide". "I can't," replies the blonde, "the
chair's fitted with arms."

phrase of the week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
life is as good as u make itp>below is a free music download site u need to download it .its called morpheus.trust me its very good i use it all the time.


woohoo.skool sucks!
wats ya views on skool and teachers.easy up on the name calling tho.dont want any actual teacher names unless its real good.let us no please


they are so kool.

I personally think LOSTPROPHETS Rock. (Neil)